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Charlie's Burgers

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Charlie's Burgers

Personalized Wine Subscriptions Boost Revenue


Charlie's Burgers is an experiential dining experience business that was expanding its wine subscription business. The company wanted to understand the strength of the Ontario DTC wine business and what the brand could differentiate on.


The main problem faced by Charlie's Burgers was understanding the competitive landscape of the Ontario DTC wine business. They needed to know what their competitors were doing and how they could differentiate themselves from them.


We conducted a thorough analysis of the Ontario DTC wine business, including market research, competitor analysis, and customer surveys. We found that there was a significant opportunity for Charlie's Burgers to differentiate itself by offering a more personalized and curated wine subscription service.

To achieve this, we recommended that Charlie's Burgers create a personalized quiz for customers to take before subscribing to their service. This quiz would ask customers about their taste preferences, budget, and other factors to help curate a personalized selection of wines for each customer.


  • Increased customer satisfaction due to personalized wine selections

  • Increase in subscription sign-ups by 35%

  • Improved brand differentiation in the competitive Ontario DTC wine market

  • Increase in revenue by 24%


Marketing Strategist - Jack Martin

  • Developed personalized quiz strategy for wine subscriptions

  • Analyzed subscription list for churn and LTV

  • Created marketing materials to promote the new service offering

Other Team Members

Market Research Analyst - Juan Manuel Sabugal - 

IT Implemenation - Kiran Musunuru

Financial Analysis Accounting - Caio Milhorati

Product Research - Yashika Panjeta

Alexandre Barcellina - Legal

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